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  • Product Code: Uncles 50-50 Apple Berries

Apple Berries 50-50 (VG/PG) E-Liquid 50 ML by Uncles Vapes

Apple Berries 50-50 (VG/PG) E-Liquid 50 ML by Uncles Vapes is a wonderful vape which is packed full of flavour. Juicy crisp Apples combined with dark velvet Berries delivers a smooth refreshing taste. 

Apple Berries 50-50 (VG/PG) E-Liquid 50 ML by Uncles Vapes is a 'Zero Nicotine' e-liquid. It is a perfectly balanced 50-50 (VG/PG) mix which can be used in any electronic vaping device. You can enjoy it purely for its taste or you can add one or two optional, purpose made, Nicotine Shots which will give it a nicotine content of approximately 3 mg (0.3%) or two shots will give you a heady 6 mg (0.6%) of nicotine 'approximately'. Uncles 50-50 Nicotine Shot (18mg) is made specifically for this liquid and compliments it perfectly with both liquids being the same mix of VG and PG it blends easily and without separation. The Cool Shot adds 18mg of nicotine plus a wonderful mint/menthol taste on the exhale only (amazing). The Salt delivers 20mg of nicotine and does it very smoothly without any throat burn giving you the maximum legal amount of nicotine available and is also perfectly matched with the same 50-50 (VG/PG) as the e-liquid. 

Nicotine Shots are HERE