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Sub Tropic Frooti Tooti Mango Passionfruit and Pomelo 100 ML E-Liquid

Sub Tropic Frooti Tooti Mango Passionfruit and Pomelo 100 ML E-Liquid: hands up anyone who has had a real Pomelo? not many I would suggest but I thing I would try it after tasting this combination. We all love (I think) Passionfruit and the two are easy to pick out. This is an inspired mixture.

Sub Tropic Frooti Tooti Mango Passionfruit and Pomelo 100 ML E-Liquid: This is just one of a whole range of fabulous exotic flavours from Kingston.It does not contain nicotine and is just so good without the nicotine, however if you are trying to give up smoking then you may need the nicotine which you can control and gradually reduce as time goes by. The bottle is 120 ML with 100 ML of 70-30 (VG/PG) e-liquid in it. You have the choice of either conventional nicotine shots, which come in 10 ML bottles or you can choose nicotine salts which also come in 10 ML bottles. If you order 4 or more shots per bottle we supply a calibrated 25 ML mixing bottle free of charge.

See the whole range HERE